Wednesday, September 12, 2018


There are so many stories about Rahu and Ketu. As per the Hindu Astrology they are only a point on the earth.  There is a prove in Sanskrit that Kuja bath Ketu and Sani bath Rahu, means Ketu is just like Mars and Rahu is just like Saturn.  But for the aspect  Rahu cha Ketu  Guru bath, means  aspect both of them are like Jupiter.  There 02 groups planets : one group : Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter and another group Saturn, Venus and  Mercury.   It is clear to us that Ketu is comfort at the sign of Sun, Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Rahu is comfort on the sign of  Saturn, Venus and  Mercury.  Being shadow planets they perform their result the sign of the planet and with whom they conjunct.  Rahu likes Earth and Air sign . Ketu likes fire and water sign.  Mool trikona sing of Rahu is Virgo and Ketu is Pisces.

Ketu does his work after death.  So 08th house of Kalpurus kundoli belongs from Ketu and 02nd house of Kalpurus Kundali is from Rahu. This sign is for money.

Ketu is doing his work very slowly and Rahu is doing very firstly.

Rahu worships Mata Chaanmasta and Ketu worships Mata Dhoomabati.

For astrological prediction we must read whole birth chart and Navansa chart. If either Rahu or Ketu is good position at D1 chart, but bad position at D9 chart. It will be natural.

Like all the planets  Rahu and Ketu also give good result at Kendra and Trikon house.

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