Thursday, August 30, 2018


Being as astrologer we request all our readers try to avoid non- veg foods. These are very harmful for our health.

1.       ARIES : As per astrological point of view the natives who born at this sign never drink coffee.  It is very harmful for your body. If you want yourself more attractive please have various tasted food  on your regular diet routine.  

2.       TAURUS : The people who born at this sign are self-centered. They are not interested to give important others word.  The natives who born at this sign must have limited food.  Please avoid all sweet foods.

3.       GEMINI : The natives  of this sign avoid chess. Rest of the foods are  suitable for your

4.       CANCER : The natives  born in this sign  try to avoid sweet and chilly.

5.       LEO: Like Cancer born people, Lio born people also avoid chilly.

6.       VIRGO: The people who born in this sign like to have homemade food.  Please avoid junk and fried food.

7.       LIBRA: The natives in this sign avoid Pizza and Chicken. Please try to make your habit on homemade food.

8.       SCORPIO: Please leave to have non- veg food.  Veg foods are suitable for you.

9.       SAGITTARIUS : The persons who born at this sign try to avoid banana, honey and oats. Curd, dark chocolate and fruits are suitable for you.

10.    CAPRICORNUS: Green vegetables  are suitable for you.

11.   AQUARIUS: The people born at this sign must have fish, lemon and dark chocolate,. Avoid cold drinks.

12.   PISCES:  Please avoid spice and chili food. Please take at your daily diet list: green vegetable, fruits and fish.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


There are various methods  available in the Hindu astrology. Among them Asthakvarga is one of the methods to determine child birth.

Here we predict child birth on the basis on bindus of house and planet. Shodhya Pinda of a planet which can use the time of difference events in our life including time of child birth.

For child birth Jupiter is the karak of child and his Shodhya Pinda can use the predict of child birth:

1. Multiplying the Shodhya Pinda  of Jup by the number of Bindus in the 5th place from Jupiter before reduction, divided by 27, reminder indicates Nakshtra Number. When Jupiter transit here that indicates time of birth of a child. 

2. Jupiter is the karak of child birth, when it transit over the sign occupied by the Kakshya lord of the 5th lord from natal Jupiter. It also indicates child birth.

3. If there are maximum bindus in the sign of 05th lord in the birth chart or Navamsha in the Asthakvarga of Jupiter, transit of Jup over such a sign indicates the time of birth of a child for the native.

4. If there is higher number of Bindus in the 05th house either from Moon for from Jupiter's Asthakvarga, the transit of Jupiter over such a sign indicates child birth.

5. Multiplying the total number of bindus after reduction in the asthakvarga of Jupiter by the number of Bindus after reduction in the 05th house from Jupiter dividing the product by 12, the reminder is the number of sign. 

6. Multiple S.P of Jup by 4 and divided by 12 reminder indicate child birth.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Every man in this universe want life partner. That is the reason he is ready to get marry. But there are some planetary combinations which create problem in normal life. Wife's death comes to fate, which is known as "Vidhur Yoga".

The planetary combinations are as below :

1. 07th house is occupied by debilitated Jupiter.
2. 07th house is occupied by Mercury.
3. If 07th house is Scorpio and Venus is posited there.
4. If 07th house is Pisces Sat or Mars are there.
5. If Venus is with any malefic planet at any house without any benefic aspect.
6. 06th, 07th and 08th house occupied by Mars, Rahu and Saturn.
7. 07th lord weak, debilitated or relation with 06th house, 08th house and 12th house.
8. 07th house/ lord weak, combust,  debilitated relation with malefic planet.
9. Venus posited with any malefic planet 07th, 05th or 09th house.
10. For wife we have also see D-9 chart.

Monday, August 27, 2018


Marriage is the most important event in our life.  When a boy is ready to get marriage at that their parents  search girl for him. After selection of girl local Pandit ji selects muthra for marriage. Astrologer is generally advising before marriage. But there are some tragic incidents occur in our life.  For Astrological analysis, the examination of birth chart of the native with special reference to the houses relating to marriage and marital relations. 07th, 12th and 02nd house and the planets ruling them, inclusive of Venus, the significator of marriage is required to study carefully from Birth Chart as well as Navamsha.  At female horoscope Jupiter and Venus week, combust, debilitated, inimical sign and malefic PAC may lead widowhood.

1.       07th house either from lagna or from Moon is occupied by an afflicted Mars

2.       If Sun is at 07th house and aspected by malefic planets.

3.       If there are malefic planet at 08th and 02nd house.

4.       Relationship between 07th and 08th house  and aspected by malefic planet.

5.       If Sat is at 07th house ( Mars’ or Saturn) sign with malefic  aspect.

6.       If both lagna and 07th house are under the axis of Rahu and Ketu, waning Moon is at 06th/08th house and is in mutual aspect with 7th lord or Venus ,  it may cause widowhood in  early part of life.

7.       We must also study  Navamsha chart P.A.C of 07th house/ lord, Venus and Jupiter.

Sunday, August 26, 2018


In ancient times our sages fixed the average age expectancy of human beings as 100 years and equally divided it into 04 parts  which are known as Brahmacharya, Grahastha, Banaprastha and Sanyas.  Grahastha is the most important part of life among the three others. During this period of 25 years, he get marriage, produces children. On old age leaves from home and goes to Ashram to work ship god. The time of marriage is not fixed for all. From the ancient time to present some people does not like to marry. 

As per The Hindu Astrology there are some planetary combinations which are responsible for denial marriage, as per below details:

1. If there is any malefic planet at Lagna,  week Moon in 05th house and both 07th and 12th house are occupied by malefic planet. 

2. If both Mars and Saturn are posited in the 07th house from Venus and Moon chart. 

3. If at any male's birth chart Moon and Saturn are in posited in the 07th house.

4. At Navamsha chart 07th and 02nd house are aspected by any malefic planet.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


Astakvaraga is one important method  on Vedic Astrology which base on point only. Points have great role to predict a horoscope. Without Astakvaraga we can not judge any horoscope. Our education, job, marriage, child birth, personal relationship and health etc. also predict from this method.

Here we are discussing about marriage on Astakvaraga chart. Marriage depends on Age, Desh, Kal and Patra. This is one of the important occasion in our society. It brings along with  a sense of maturity, responsibility and completeness. It contributes towards the enhancement of social status of a person after marriage. It is believed that  a person repays his debt towards his forefathers by procreation though his progeny. The bond of family relationship keeps on tied to his people and provides him incentive to work hard in order to earn more money for a still better standard of life. Marriage is thus a perennial link between the man and the society. 

On reaching or nearing to normal age the parents of boys and girls, especially become worried about their marriage. 

The main parameters for timing of marriage:

1. 07th house and its lord. 
2. 12th house and its lord.
3. 02nd house  and its lord.
4. Lagan and its lord.

B. Favorable Maha Dasha and Antar Dasha.

C. Transit of Jup and Sat over the house and planet concerning marriage.

D. Birth chart, Navansha and Transit chart.

E.  Ashtavarga:
1. Bhinnashtakvarga of Venus.
2. Shodhya Pind of Venus.
3. Sarvshtakvarga.

Use of Ashtavarga on marriage:

(i) Shodhya Pinda of Venus for timing of marriage - Multiply of the Shodhya Pinda of Venus by the number of  Bindus in 07th House from Venus before reduction in the Bhinnashtak of Venus. Divine the product thus arrived at by 27 and treat the remainder as the number of Nakshatra counting from Ashwini as 1. When Jup transits over the Nakshatra, thus calculated or its Trines, that will indicate marriage's time.

(ii) When Jupiter transits over the sign having maximum number of Bindus in the Bhinnashtakvarga of Venus that indicates the time of marriage of the person concerned.

Maha dasha and Antar dasha during which marriage may take place may, however also be obtainted by dividing the S.P. of Venus in the first principle by 12 instead of 27 and treating the remainder as sign counting from Aries as 1. The lord of the sign will be the appropriate dasha lord for marriage.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Multiple marriage

Astrological parameters of Multiple marriage:
1.       Debilitated 07th lord.
2.       07th Lord is position at malefic planet’s sign along with malefic planet while 07th house or 07th Navansha belongs to a eunuch palnet.
3.       The combination of Mars and Venus in 7th house or Saturn is in 12th house and langa lard is at 08th house. The native has 03 wives.
4.         If Venus in in dual sign while its lord is in exaltation as the 07th lord is endowed with strength.
5.       07th Lord exaltation, retrogression, malefic affection, Rahu- Ketu axis.
6.       LL is in 08th house, malefic  planet in 07th house and 02nd lord is also malefic planet.
7.       07th lord is in imical sign  or debilitation sign with benefic planet and 07th house has a malefic planet.
8.       Venus is debilitation with malefic planet or debilitation  Navamsha.
9.       If there are malefic planets in 02nd and 07th house and the lords are weak or aspected by malefic planets
10.   07th and 11th lord P.A.C.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Time of marriage:

As per Vedic  astrology marriage made in heaven.  Sometimes we are observing that the daughter of a rich family married with the poor boy and sometimes opposite is  also seen at our society. As the time changes now- a- days we are also observing  same sex marriage, marriage to foreign national, inter caste marriage, living relationship,  bed partner,  divorce,  multiple marriage, one wife or husband at home and other is outside etc.

All these incidents are at our society.  All these incidents are  related with 7th house and 07th lord from Lagna, Moon and D- 9 Chart

Marriage karak planets are Langa Lord, 7th Lord, Jup, Ven, Rahu and Moon. In Yogini dasha : Siddha, Mangla and Dhana are marriage kakar.

For marriage Sat and Jup have major role on Transit. If these 02 planets either aspect or transit on 07th house it also indicates time of marriage.

In our present society marriages are divided into many classes: Love marriage, Early marriage, Late marriage and  Denial marriage

Love marriage :  The P.A.C  between 5th and 07th lord indicates love marriage.

Early marriage: If LL and 07th Lord are closer to each other it indicates early marriage.

Late marriage: If 07th house and 07th lord is not in good position at that time marriage is on late.

Denial marriage : Badly effected of 07th house and it’s lord  indicates denial marriage.

Multiple marriage: If 07th lord is posited at 02nd, 08th house, PA.C. with malefic planets is also indicates of multiple marriage .

These are the basic principal of marriage.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kaal Sarpa Yoga

Kaal Sarpa Yoga:

First of all we have to know. Is Kalsapra Yoga or Dosh. Those provide benefic results we  treat as Yogas, but malefic result is treated as Dosh.

Kalsarpa provides malefic result so it is dosh.

It was not at our ancient astrology. But modern astrologers invented it.

It is not at all  fearful situation. It becomes active only the Maha Dasha and Antar Dash of Rahu as well as Ketu.

Definition of Kaal Sarpa Yoga: Kal is Rahu and Sarpa is Ketu.  When all the 07  major planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon) are in the axis of Rahu and Ketu at any birth chart known as Kalsarpa Yoga. Please note Rahu and Ketu are not major planets. They are shadow planets. Some astrologers are treated this Yoga is very harmful , struggle in life etc. 

Sometimes some great personalities have also got this Yoga. It depends on other parameters of horoscope.

Types of Kaal Sarpa Yog:

There are 12 houses in Zodiac. The placement of Rahu and Ketu at all these 12 signs creates separate Kalsarpa Yoga. So the names are also difference as per the position of Rahu and Ketu these 02 shadow planets.  These 12 are major.
The details of Kalsarp Yoga as below:

Anant Kal Sarpa Dosha: 
When Rahu is  in the Ascendant and Ketu is in Seventh house and all the 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them, Anant Kaal Sarp Yog is formed. It has malefic effect on mental stress and marriage life.

Kulik Kal Sarpa Dosha
When Rahu is  in Second house and Ketu is in 8th and rest of the planets remain on one side.  It creates problem on  wealth, health both couple, disturbance in family life.

Vasuki Kaal Sarpa Dosh:
When Rahu is  in Third House and Ketu is in  Ninth House of Horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them, it is known as Vasuki Kaal Sarp Dosh. The person suffer with job,  bad relation with father, friends, relatives, neighbours and siblings.

Shankhpal Kaal Sarp Dosh:
When Rahu is in  Fourth house and Ketu is in  Tenth house of horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them.  The person suffer with bad relation with mother, learning, job.

Padam Kal Sarpa Dosh:
When Rahu positioned in  Fifth House and Ketu is in Eleventh House of Horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them.  The person suffer with education, progeny and  gain.

Nabha Kaal Sarp Dosh:
When Rahu in  Sixth house and Ketu is  in  Twelfth house of horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them. It gives stigma to one born under this dosha. Also makes the circumstances when one have company of bad people.  Secrete enemy, unnecessary expenses.

Takshak Kaal Sarp Dosh:
When Rahu in Seventh House and Ketu is in  Ascendant of the horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them.  Trouble in marriage life, multiple marriage and  divorce

Karkotak Kaal Sarp Dosh :
When Rahu is in  Eighth house of the horoscope and Ketu is in Second house and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them. It gives health and wealth  problems.

Shankhnaad Kaal Sarp Dosh:
When Rahu is in  Ninth House and Ketu is in  Third and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them. It gives father’s health problem, life full of struggle and bad  relation with relatives.

Paatak Kal Sarpa Dosha :
When Rahu is in Tenth House and Ketu is in  Fourth House and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them. It provides  one useless and separate from parents, mother’s health problem.

Vishakt Kaal Sarp Dosh :
When Rahu is in  Eleventh House and Ketu is in Fifth and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them.  It provides bad character and  less intelligence

Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh :
When Rahu is in Twelfth house and Ketu is in  Sixth house of horoscope and other 7 planets of horoscope are placed in between them.  It provides bad health, accident chances, struggle in life.


1.     Pooja of Lord Shiva.

2.     Silver snake at river.

Planets and their predictions

The below are the details of all 09  planets and their predictions to recovery their ill effect:

Sun: Stone: Ruby, Metal: Gold.
Moon : Stone : Pearl, Metal: Silver.
Mars: Stone: Red Coral, Metal: Copper.
Mercury: Stone: Emerald, Metal: Gold
Jupiter: Stone: Yellow Sapphire, Metal: Gold.
Venus: Stone: Diamond, Metal: Silver.
Saturn: Stone: Blue Sapphire, Metal: Iron.
Rahu: Stone: Hessonite / Gomed, Metal: Iron.
Ketu: Stone: Cats eye, Metal: Iron.

Please consult with Senior Astrologer before wear stones.

Mangolik / Mangal Dosha / Kuja Dosh

Mangolik / Mangal Dosha / Kuja Dosh : When a child born on this earth at that time question arises at our mind is that  baby Mangolik or not.  Most of the child who born in India are not Mangolik.

Now we are discussing what is Mangolik dosha. Mangolik is related with the placement of Mars. If Mars is posted either from  Lagna or from Moon, or from Venus 01st house, 04th house, 7th house, 08th house and 12th house it is treated as Mangolik.

But South Indian astrologers also treated Mars in 02nd house is  Mangalik.

This dosh effect on marriage life to break the marriage.

When Mars is 01st house: it effect  01st house means own health , 04th house mother, 07th house and 08th house effects on spouse.

When Mars is at 02nd house: it effects on  05th house means  child, 08th house means Ayu of spouse.

When Mars is at 04th house : it effects  07th house means spouse, 10th house means job, and 11th house means gain.

When Mars is at 07th house : it effects on Lagna means own health, 10th house mean job, 02nd house effect on ayu of spouse.

When Mars is at 08th house : It is very dangerous astrological combination. It indicated divorce and death of spouse.  

But now we are discussing about the cancellation of Mangoli dosh:

1.     Mars is in Aries in Langa,  Scorpio  04th house, Capricorn in 07th house, Cancer 08th house and Sagittarius in 12th house.

2.     Mars is in Taurus in 07th house, Pisces 08th house and Aries/ Sagittarius in 12th house.

3.     Mars is in Aries/ Scorpio  04th house, Cancer / Capricorn in 07th house, Aries/ Sagittarius in 12th house

4.     Mar is Lagna Lord, Exaltation, Debilitated, Own Sign/ Combust, Retrograde and Ketu’s Nakshatra.

5.     Strong and unaffected Jup/ Ven/ Mer at lagna and 07th house.

6.     Mars is with Jup/ Rahu/ Moon.

7.     Mars is aspected  by other planets.

8.     More points on astokut Milan.

9.     Both boy and girl are Mangolik.

10.  Mars has got more points at Astovarga.
11. 07th house/ 07th lord,08th house/08th lord, 02nd house / 02nd lord, Jup- Ven- Lagna- Moon combination is also cancellation of Mangalik.dosh.

Before going to predict please consult with senior Astrologer.

Our services:

Astrology Consultancy: We provide all sorts of astrology consultancy, Graha Shanti and  pooja, remove Kalsarpa Yoga, Mangolik dosh,  Guru Chandal Yoga,Sade Saati and Dahiya of Saturn, problems in our daily life like: education, job, break in love, marriage, child, secret enemy, diseases.

Our team is expert to solve all problems on Parashar, K.P. Tajik, Gemini and Prashna Jyotish.

We solve problems of people through online and face to face consultancy. We are sure that our prediction is 100% fructification to our clients.

We believe that God takes his position on horoscope through planets according to our past Karma. That karma might be good or bad. So if we do good karma in this birth. Definitely we will get our good birth at our next birth. This is the Karama rules.

If we see any of our clients past karama is not good. We give them prediction accordingly.

Vedic Pooja: To satisfied planets pooja has great role. We provide Graha pooja, Durga Pooja, Kali Pooja, Laxmi Pooja, Narayan Pooja, Vastu pooja, The Gita Path and the Sapsati Chandi Path.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Venus and Mercury conjunction at Libra sign ( 07th to 26th Oct’18):

Venus and Mercury are the Karaka of difference things.

Venus leads our luxurious life style, sextual attraction, art, bed comfort etc.

Mercury is the Karaka of our speaking power,  intelligence, immediate decision making power, business mind etc.

When these 02 separates karaka planets are in the same house it represents good time.

The female babies who born in this time become good relation with father.

This time is good for those people who were born on these sign: Taurus,  Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.   The position of Venus is good at Libra. As it is mool trikon sign 0 to 15 degree. 

Mercury in Libra is also good. 

If these planets are not position, aspect or conjunction with any natural malefic planet or 6th house/ lord, 08th house/ lord and12th house/ lord both from Lagan and Moon chart. Navamsa
chart has also a great role to get proper prediction. 

So before decide any prediction our readers must take proper consultancy with senior astrologer.

Venus  Retrograde :

Venus will be on retrograde motion on his own  and Mool Trikon sign Libra from 05 Oct-18 to 16 Nov’18.  This time is good for the people who born Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Rest of the sign it is quite problematic situation.

Transit of Saturn on 2018 at Sagittarius

Saturn is the largest and slowest moving planet in this universe. He is also known as Karaka of event. It is a natural malefic planet. As per Hindu astrology he is son of The Sun.  So the transit of Saturn has a great role upon human life.

Aspects of Saturn: As per The Hindu Astrology Saturn has some special aspects. Means he has 03rd, 07th and 10th aspect.

02 terms are known to us for the transit of Saturn. One is Dahiya and other one is Sade Saati.

Dahiya : It is on the transit Saturn when cross 04th and 8th house from Moon Sign mean birth sign.
When Saturn transit on 4th house from Janma Rashi, it has bed effects on mother and properties. From 03rd aspect it effect on 6th house from Moon means it creates enemy. Opposite aspect it effect on profession and 10th aspect it effect on Janma Rashi means on health and mental pressure.

08th house from the Moon: It is very inauspicious because 08th house is our Ayu. 03rd aspect it effects on profession.  Opposite aspects effects on 02nd house which is 02nd to 07th house. Means it effect on health of husband/ life and disturb on family life. 10th aspect effect on education and child. 

Sade Saati: On the period of travelling when Saturn transit 12th house, same house and 02nd house from Moon sign. It is known as Sade Saati.

Sadesati means 07 years and 06 months of its transit.

Transit on 12th house from the Moon:  The position of Saturn increases expenses. 03rd aspect effect the 02nd house from Moon, it effect on personal life and fiancĂ© also. 07th aspect it effect 06th house from Moon, means fear of enemy. 10th aspect from the Moon effect on 09th house which indicates bad health of father and miss fortune.

Present Saturn Transit:

Transit of Saturn in Sagittarius 26 January 2017 to 23 January 2020. In this transit Dhaiya is on Taurus and Virgo sign born people.

This journey  of Saturn Sade Saati will effect on Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn sign born native. 

MALEFIC EFFECT OF SADESATI : They may face problem of health, fiancé, personal and profession life. They may get either pain or injury at the lower part of the body.

Remedy: Shiva Linga pooja, Hanuman Chalisa Path and Pooja, Kali Pooja and Shani Pooja.

For more details please contact with us.

Mangalik dosha: As per The Hindu Astrology Manglik dosh is an important   tropic. It depends on Mars’ position. When Mars is posted at   1...