Saturday, September 1, 2018


Now- a-days doctor's profession is one of the important in our society. One person's life or death is depends on doctor. Doctor is treated as a god of this universe.

We are discussing the yogas for this profession:

House and lords:

1. 05th House and lord: It is the house of education.
2. The 05th and 06th Houses and lords relationship make a person correct prediction.
3. 06th house and lord: Indicates diseases.
4. 08th house and lord: Indicates longevity.
5. 10th house and lord: Indicates profession.
6. 12th house and lord: Indicates hospital's bed.
So relationship of all these houses and lords are important.

1. Moon: The Moon is our mind. If the Moon is well position, the person makes emotional. So it must be afflicted.

2. Jupiter: Jup is the Karak of education. It must be well placed.

3. Mercury: Mer indicates intelligence. It must be well placed.

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