Sunday, March 13, 2022

Mangalik dosha:

As per The Hindu Astrology Manglik dosh is an important  tropic. It depends on Mars’ position. When Mars is posted at  1st, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th position either from Lagan or from Moon or from Venus  in a person's horoscope, then the person is considered to be suffering from Manglik Dosha.

In South India 2nd house Mars is also treated as Mangalik  Dosh.

It has bad effect on Marriage life. So Mangalik person must not marry non Mangalik person. 90 % of Indian birth children are not at all Mangalik.


How to cancel the Mangalik dosh :

1.       If Mars is placed in own sign, exalted, debilitated, friend’s sign and enemy’s sign.

2.       Both the boy and girl are Mangalik.

3.       Mars is at PAC of any either benefic or malefic planet.

4.       If Venus is posted either at Lagna or at exalted sign.

5.       At D9 chart Mars is posted either exalted or own sign.


General Remedies of Mangalik dosh:

1.       Fast on Tuesday and Mangal pooja.

2.       Red Coral.

3.       Mata Baghala Mukhi Pooja.


My suggestion: Before marriage please match your horoscope. Not only guna but also Lagna chart, Moon chart, D 9 & D7 charts.


Sanjib Mukherjee

Mobile / whatsapp @ +91-9999034385.

Friday, March 4, 2022


Kal Sarp Yoga:

This is term of modern Astrology. Rahu and Ketu these two planets are known as shadow planets. When rest 7 planets are under this axis. It is known as Kal Sarp Yoga. Rahu and Ketu are on the 12 signs. So there are 12 kinds of Kal Sarp Yoga. There are so many rumors about it. But Kal Sarp yoga has positive effect also.  There are many famous personalities took birth on this yoga. India got independent on this yoga.  Any kinds of Yogas in Vedic Astrology depend on Position, Aspect , Conjunction , dasha  and transit of planets.  Divisional charts are also useful for accurate prediction. The term Kal Sarpy yoga does not existence  at Vedic Astrology. So we need not worry about it.

Sanjib Mukherjee

(M: +91-9999034385)


Mangalik dosha: As per The Hindu Astrology Manglik dosh is an important   tropic. It depends on Mars’ position. When Mars is posted at   1...